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Dear Parents and Carers,
Let me start with the story that helps us focus our thinking on a positive start to Semester 2 – it’s perhaps a story you have heard before…
“To survive in the monastery on Mount Serat in Spain you have to have a strong sense of self-discipline. One of the basic rules of this religious order is that its monks must maintain silence. The opportunity to speak is available only once every two years and then each monk is allowed to speak only two words. One young monk, who had completed the first two years of training, was invited by his superior to express his first two words. ‘Food terrible’, he said. Two years later the invitation was once again extended. This time the young monk exclaimed, ‘Bed lumpy’. When two years later he addressed his superior he proclaimed, ‘I quit!’ The superior looked at the young monk and said, ‘You know, it doesn’t surprise me one bit. All you’ve done since you arrived is complain, complain, complain’.”
A made-up story? Seems likely. However, what would you say if you were asked to share two words which best described your life? Would your focus be on the lumps, the difficulties, the negatives or would it be on the joys, the achievements, the positives. Sometimes we can be a bit like the young monk and lose touch with the purpose of what we are doing in our life; if we let go of our dream, we live without hope and to be without hope is to be without purpose. So, what are the messages that our children receive by watching and listening to us lead our lives? Do they learn to accept and respect the reality of their own life when it is pleasant and painful; do they learn not to blame others? Do they learn to forgive others and themselves and correct their mistakes? Do they learn to be patient, kind, gentle and compassionate with others and themselves? Do they learn that they don’t have to prove themselves better or worse than anyone else?
Finally, what are our words and phrases for ourselves and for our children as we embrace Term 3? Channel your Effort….Just Try it…Be kind…Have a go…. We are improving….
Our new SRC met this week to talk about all things school, and to think about how students can take action for positive growth and change in our school. Congratulations to Sam, Phebe, Hannah, Alice, Isaac, Amy and Huntah who join our captains and vice captains Rory, Luchia, Hugo and Isabella on the SRC! The children will be presented with their badges next Monday.
Our thanks to Miss Rees for her organisation, collaboration and consultation to ensure that St Pat’s |
celebrated NAIDOC week in a powerful and positive way this week! Thank you to our Koori kids |
For your sharing, to our Koori families for your volunteering and participation and to all the other people who came and contributed to our learning and celebrating! |
CONCERT 2019 dates for your calendar:
Thursday 26th September 12.00pm Full Dress Rehearsal
Thursday 26th September 6.30pm Evening Performance (Ross unavailable for recording for DVD)
Friday 27th September 12.00pm Matinee Performance (to be recorded for our DVD)
Q and A written by Mrs P
What is growth?
Growth constitutes a student moving from one phase of learning to the next.
How is growth measured?
Growth is measured against a list of criteria that are based on the expected norms of a student.
How is growth proved?
Growth is proved with multiple observations and work samples against the criteria.
Where does the criteria come from?
The criteria comes from the Australian Curriculum. The Australian Curriculum outlines expected norms of a student called Stage Statements. There are Stage Statements for students at the end of Kinder, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6. The Stage Statement is broken into outcomes. The behaviours expected from students at different levels are called Learning Progressions.
So what is a Learning Progression used for?
A Learning Progression is a tool teachers use to move students along in their learning. Knowing what behaviour is expected next allows teachers to tailor their questioning to move students along.
How does this happen in Kindergarten to Year 2?
Lessons are planned based on where the students are at in relation to the progressions. The progressions are used as a guide for next teaching steps.
How long does it take to move students along the progressions?
How long is a piece of string? Every learner is different. Progression does not occur over night, learning occurs (progression) when students; elicit learning behaviours, are engaged in learning, when the experience; is pitched at the level of the learner, is meaningful, is able to cater for all levels of learning, when teachers; have a strong relationship with the student, question at the level of the students, invite further exploration, offer next steps to the learner.
Dear Parents,
Parent/Teacher/Student interviews will be held shortly.
Interviews are strictly 10 minutes and spaces are limited. If you require more time with a particular teacher, please arrange a separate meeting by telephoning the school on 64925500
Go to
Bookings must be finalised by Sunday 28TH July, 5pm
If you need to view, cancel, change or print your bookings:
- Click on the link in the confirmation email you received after you made your bookings
- OR return to and enter the code and the email address you used when making your bookings.
Southern Region Athletics Carnival
The Southern Region Carnival will be held in Bega on Thursday 1st August. The children who have been selected in the St Pat's team for this day have taken home a note which needs to be returned ASAP.
We will be running a BBQ and food stall on the day. We are asking for donations of baked goods, cakes or slices to sell at the carnival, you can drop them into the office on the day. All money raised will go back into the school to benefit all of our children.
“Empowered” program at St Pat’s
Dear St Pat’s Community,
You may know me as Alicia Spicer the Music teacher at St Pat’s however I have another role in the lives of your children and that is as a “Wholebeing Coach”. Earlier this year I set up a business called “Trivability” and like its name, through the varied programs that I facilitate, the aim is to inspire people to use their character strengths to promote inner peace, happiness and wellbeing. The program that I facilitate at St Pat’s is called “Empowered” which focuses on turning on the three power centres, Mind, Body and Heart and every child at St Pat’s will experience ten thirty minutes sessions over the course of the term. Small groups of six children are chosen per class to participate in thirty minute sessions comprises of Breathing techniques, Movement, Music and Mindfulness providing strategies to calm the body down when tension or stress begin to take over. At the end of the program your child will have some practical strategies to use at home, school and in the world: the community where they can respond to life situations rather than react to them.
I believe EVERY child is entitled to feel power-filled and the “Empowered” program enables ALL children to learn how to turn on and use each of their “power centres” the MIND, the BODY and the HEART.
Alicia Spicer 2018
What your children think about the Empowered program….
The canteen still requires volunteers, please contact the school office is you are able to help out. The more the merrier!