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Dear Parents and Carers,
Wet weather: What a blessing the rain is for our farming community! Rain on school days leads to inside ‘wet weather’ playtimes. I have the privilege of supervising students in two different places at recess and lunch on wet weather days. It is great to see our children playing games together in a screen-free environment. This week in one classroom children were playing a variety of games: Jenga, Uno, Lego, construction, drawing games and Bingo. There were smiles and laughter around the room as the children had fun together. If you haven’t taught your children a new card game or board game it might be a great family time opportunity on the weekend. The children in turn may then be able to teach their peers a new game on the next wet weather day.
ReGrow: Thank you for the 2L milk bottles that are being sent to school to support the repotting of 400 plants that our students are helping to grow. Several classes, with leadership from 56K took up the offer from the BVSC to be involved in the ReGrow program helping to grow, then donate/gift plants to members of the community who were impacted by the bushfires. In coming weeks the students will repot all the plants and continue to nurture their growth, then we will be making plans for the donating of these plants to help regrow parts of our Valley. Thank you to the BVSC for the initiative and to our St Pat’s classes who are supporting this project! Please keep sending in the clean 2L milk bottles.
Class Allocation 2021: In 2021 we will have 10 classes at St Patrick’s. The class structure will be:
Please read the St Patrick’s Class Allocation Policy to understand the process we undertake during Term 4 for student placement in classes for the following year.
A prayer for our week as Parents and Teachers:
“God, our Father, You see Your children growing up in an uncertain and confusing world.May Your ways be obvious to them in the manner in which we live our lives.
Class Allocation Policy
Creating class groupings is a collaborative process involving class teachers, specialist staff and the school leadership team.
Implementation and Procedures
St Patrick’s consists of staged and multi-staged classes. Each year class combinations change.
When creating balanced class lists for the following year many factors are taken into consideration:
- Gender
- Common names
- Special educational needs
- Behaviour
- Learning needs
- Cognitive ability
- Social dynamics
- Religion (ensuring a balance especially in sacramental classes)
- Medical needs
Parental requests based on educational concerns will be considered.
The following will guide the school’s placement of students in class groups:
- Every child will be placed in the best grouping to enhance learning and social development.
- Parents who wish to discuss particular concerns regarding class placement should make an appointment to meet with the principal. All meetings must be held by Friday of Week 6 Term 4. (2020 Date: 20th November)
- Concerns raised by parents will be considered during the process however, no definite guarantees can be given.
- Class teachers will create class groupings collaboratively (and may use an online program eg: Class Creator)
- The Principal amends and confirms the lists with classroom support teacher and leadership team.
- The lists are then checked by class teachers. The lists are then confirmed.
- Students are advised of their class and teacher during the Step Up session held in the last week of Term 4.
- Students will be given a letter of introduction from their teacher at Step Up. Letters will be posted to any students not at school.
- Throughout the process the Principal reserves the right to make final professional decisions regarding placement of students.
Term 3 School Fees
School fees have been emailed out and are due by Friday 20th November.
Drink Bottles
It is imperative that your child brings a drink bottle to school each day. Due to recent Covid-19 restrictions there are no bubblers available and the students must provide their own drink bottle.
School Uniforms – Hats
Could you please ensure that your child brings their hat to school, as they are required to wear a hat to play outside.
The canteen relies on volunteers to keep it open, we are in need of volunteers URGENLY, if you could spare anytime on any Monday, especially between the hours of 11am to 1.45pm, please contact the school office on 6492 5500.