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Dear Parents and Carers,
There are still a few days to go before we enter into the joys of the Easter feast. Of course, one important thing to do before we indulge on Easter Sunday, is to have some time to reflect about what actually happened on the first Easter day.
No doubt, if we had been alive in Jesus’ time we, too, would have been astonished by the miracle of his resurrection. “Jesus’ resurrection was about breaking out into an entirely new form of life, into a life that is no longer subject to the laws of dying and becoming, but lies beyond it – a life that opens up a new dimension of human existence.”
Jesus is WITH US ALWAYS, challenging us and strengthening us to be more. Now, what would we have been thinking if we were one of Jesus’ followers on that first Easter day? “....they were simply overwhelmed by the reality, but after their initial hesitation and astonishment, they could no longer ignore that reality. It is truly he. He is alive; he has spoken to us; he has allowed us to touch him, even if he no longer belongs to the tangible in the normal way.”
So, when Easter Sunday does arrive we can join with the writer of Psalm 117 in saying, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad”. We can rejoice and be glad, because Jesus, through his humanity, has given us the opportunity of true resurrection. However, as the resurrected Jesus said to the once doubting Thomas, “You believe in me Thomas, because you have seen me; happy are those who have not seen me, but still believe.” John 20:29. That’s us.
The eggs and bunnies that we share are symbols of the new life that is found in Jesus. And as commercial as we may think the season has become, we can’t deny the happiness that is experienced in the giving of eggs and the family-times shared. May your Easter be filled with love and happiness and may your family be blessed with new life found in Jesus. May the isolation be managed in creative ways of connecting!
(Adapted from Prin-scripts with quotes from “Jesus of Nazareth” by Pope Benedict XVI)
Wishing you a Happy and a Holy Easter.
A MESSAGE FROM OUR SCHOOL CAPTAINS Dear Students, I miss you. I miss school. I miss my friends and I even miss my teachers. It’s a bit weird being stuck at home with family, isn’t it? But I’ve realised that I can bring a little of St Patrick’s home with me. Would you like to know how? I just remember our three school pillars. 1. Look After Each Other - Being quarantined at home is hard but we have to remember we are doing it to keep ourselves and others safe. (And while we’re at home we should try to look after our family, even if they’re being really annoying.) 2. Look Into Thinking – We can still keep learning at home. I reckon our teachers and staff are doing an amazing job for us. Plus there are loads of things we can be learning at home from our parents. Today my mum gave me a far too detailed lesson on packing the dishwasher!! 3. Look Into The Future – This situation won’t last forever. We should look ahead with hope and faith. I actually can’t wait for when we are all inside the classroom just itching for the bell to go or sitting through a boring assembly. I definitely will see school with a new and grateful attitude. Have a “HOPPY” Easter everyone. Lots of love Olivia
Dear Students, We are all going through a new way of life for now. Things have and are changing most days but we have a strong and caring St Pat’s community to get us through. If we look after our family and friends we will come out the other side of this with a new appreciation for all the things we are missing at the moment, like our families, our school, our teachers and our friends. We are here to support each other through this, so be kind to others and look after yourselves. We are all learning together. Thank you to all the teachers for accepting the challenge of providing to all of us – your students - the online learning tools we need to continue learning from home, and to all the students for stepping up and taking on our new way of learning. Also to all of our parents Thank You for your support, we may not show it all the time but we really do appreciate it. I hope you are all safe and well, and that the Easter bunny finds you all this weekend. Peace be with you Brodie |
Remote Learning at St Patrick’s for Term 2 commences on Tuesday 28th April – see you all in our new cyber classrooms!
Fr Luke would like to wish the school community a safe, Joyous and Holy Easter.
Times for the live stream Masses during holy week. Please Click here for live stream or search