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Dear Parents and Carers,
Congratulations to all the St Pat's students who represented at the Diocesan Swim Carnival in Boorowa on Monday. Great swimming Thea, Isabella, Scarlett, Henry, Indi, Mia, Ava, Thomas, Liam, Macey, Austin, Bailee, Matilda!
This week I have been in Bowral for Regional Principal Meetings, Catholic Leaders' Day, and the Principal Retreat. The retreat was facilitated by Clara Geoghegan who is the Executive Secretary for the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. It has been quality time with the other principals in our Archdiocesan schools and with leaders of Catholic Education.
Please Join St Patrick's Community Council We want your voice and your help to keep our school community growing and thriving. Will you join the parent group called the 'Community Council'? Please email me
We want you!
One meeting per term (about 1 hour)
Friendly and welcoming
Please say yes!
Planning for St Patrick's Day We are planning for a fun day on our patron - St Patrick's day. Please save Monday 17th March in your calendar to join us for a liturgy, and an afternoon community gathering in the hall. Invitations and information coming soon!
ENROLMENTS 2026 Yes, we have only settled our new Kinder students into school and it is time to start the enrolment cycle for 2026. Do you have a child starting school next year? Please complete the online interviews begin in April!
I look forward to being back at school next week and seeing all our happy and engaged learners.
Dear Parents,
Just a friendly reminder that Photo Day is coming up this Monday! Please ensure your child is dressed in their full summer uniform, which includes black shoes and white, navy, or black socks.
If you have purchased a sibling photo, these will be taken during Recess.
A reminder all orders are to be place on Compass. Orders placed after 17th March will incur a late fee.
Thank you for your cooperation in making this a smooth and memorable day for our students!
AFL Gala Days
Today 5/6 students partipated in the Paul Kelly Cup.

Upcoming AFL Events:
Thursday 13th March - K-2 AFL skills afternoon.
Thursday 3rd April - 3/4 AFL Superkick Gala Day.
Dates for your Calendar
Friday 14th March - Class Mass - 5/6 Green 9.15am (Families welcome)
Monday 17th March- St Patrick's Day Celebration (Invitations have been sent home with your child. Please return RSPV slip to classroom teacher by Wednesday 12th March)
Key Dates for Confirmation:
Family Mass- Sunday 4th May, 9:30am
Retreat- Friday 6th June, 9:15-2:30pm
Confirmation- Sunday 8th June, 9:30am
Please contact the Parish for enrolment
Beginning of Lent and Ash Wednesday Mass
As we enter the season of Lent, our school community gathered to celebrate Ash Wednesday Mass. This special service marked the beginning of our 40-day journey of reflection and preparation for Easter. During the Mass, students and staff received ashes on their foreheads as a sign of repentance and a reminder of our commitment to grow closer to God. Below is a prayer that you may like to say at home.
Dear God,
As we begin this season of Lent, help us to grow closer to You. Teach us to be kind, to share, and to think of others. Guide us to make good choices and to remember the love and sacrifice of Jesus. May this time bring us peace and joy as we prepare our hearts for Easter.
Out and about in the playground
Everyone loves the monkey bars in the junior playground. There are always lots of children lined up, ready for a swing!
1/2R is learning about God’s creation. This week they are learning about how the earth was created by God. The class said their learning was “very interesting” and ”fun & exciting”. The whole class of 1/2R is working on a big and exciting project as a whole class in Religion. I can’t wait to find out more. In Science, they are also learning about biology and habitats. Thomas from Year 2 said, “It’s cool to learn about the world.” 1/2R are definitely going to enjoy all the lessons they have coming up.
Term 1, 2025 School Fees
School Fees for Term 1, 2025 have been emailed to families and are due by 21 March 2025. The exception of due date will be for families on an instalment plan. We recommend and encourage all families to set up a weekly or fortnightly school fee payment plan via BPAY through your bank. See BPAY details on your Fee statement.
2025 Instalment Plans
Payments made in instalments that don’t cover Fees-in-full before the due date must be arranged and approved by the school. Please complete the form below and return to the office in person, or via email
Please see below the weekly payment costings, calculated over 52 weeks.
St Patrick’s Bega |
St Patrick’s Bega with siblings attending LCCC |
1 child |
$64.50 |
$52.38 |
2 children |
$73.25 |
$61.13 |
3 children |
$82.00 |
$69.88 |
I / we wish to pay school fees via an instalment plan:
Amount |
$ |
Frequency: |
Weekly / Fortnightly / Monthly (please circle preference) |
Day: |
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday (please circle preference) |
Starting from: |
_______ / ______ / ________ |
Signature: |
Date: |
Review of 2024 approved instalment plans
For families already on approved payment plans, now is the time to review and adjust your weekly/fortnightly payments according to the current year school fee commitment.
If at any time your family is experiencing financial hardship, or if your family is in need of other support, please contact the school to organise an appointment for a confidential meeting with our Principal, Jo Scott-Pegum to discuss how the school can help support your family.
If you have any questions or wish to discuss this further, please contact the Office Manager, Cathy Smith 6492 5500 or