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Dear Parents and Carers,
Home - School Communication Thank you for your commitment to working in partnership with school. If you have a question, query or concern thank you for directing it to us at school so we can resolve this with you.
SPORT Two of our St Patrick's horse riders have made it into the NSW Interschool Equestrian team! Congratulations to Remmi Jessop and Isabella Clifton-Collins on their achievements! The National event is being held in Tamworth.
This evening I am attending a lecture in Canberra along with Mrs Grant, Mrs Ferris and many school leaders and staff in Catholic Education. The presentation is the St. Thomas More Forum Annual Lecture featuring Fr. Rob Galea on the topic of "Engaging an AI Generation."
‘Fr Rob Galea is a Catholic Priest currently serving in Sandhurst Diocese, Victoria after moving to Australia from Malta, his home country. He is the founder and executive director of FRG Ministry, now the ICON Ministry. Fr Rob is an internationally acclaimed author, singer, and songwriter with one book Breakthrough, and eight album releases.'
Synopsis of the evening
‘In the dawn of an era dominated by artificial intelligence and an impending Metaverse reality, questions about integration, influence, and the potential transformations in societal norms are increasingly prevalent. For the Catholic Church, these advancements pose both a challenge and an opportunity, especially in engaging with the youth. We will delve into the pivotal role that AI and the Metaverse can play in the religious landscape, particularly in reaching out to and resonating with young people. Fr. Rob Galea and the ICON Ministry team are currently utilising AI and the Metaverse to reach over 1,000,000 young people each month. Why is this so important and what are the opportunities, limitations and dangers? The address will open with an introduction to the current technological landscape, highlighting the prevalence of AI and the development of Metaverse technologies. It will address the fundamental question: What do these advancements mean for the Church? This will be framed within the context of their potential impact on religious practices and youth engagement. The address will be interwoven with the music of Fr Rob.'
We look forward to sharing insights from this lecture with the community in coming weeks.
Personalised Plans & Semester One Reports
Parent Teacher Interviews
Over the coming weeks if your child/ren has a Personalised Plan their classroom teacher will touch base with you via phone to discuss their progress and learning goals.
Adjusted Reports
Reporting provides feedback to students, parents and other teachers about student progress. The A–E grading scale or equivalent provides a common language for reporting. Teachers use the grading scale to report student levels of achievement.
Where adjustments are made to assessment activities, this should not restrict the student’s access to the full range of grades or marks. For some students with disability, teachers may need to consider the most appropriate method of reporting student achievement. This may include reporting against personalised goals and syllabus outcomes identified through the collaborative curriculum planning process.
At St Patrick’s, students who receive substantial or extensive adjustments in accordance with NCCD receive an Adjusted Report. Instead of receiving A-E grades in the curriculum areas where the adjustments are in place the Adjusted Report focuses on the students’ personalised goals. Students will still receive their Compass Report and the Adjusted Report will uploaded to the Compass Chronicle.
Behaviours for Learning in Reports
Semester Reports provide detailed feedback about a student’s capacity to demonstrate the deliberate engagement behaviours we know underpin academic success. To emphasis your child/ren’s engagement in learning the Semester One reports will include an Engagement with Learning section with a four point scale.
Dates for your calendar
Week 8 Chapel Mass- 3/4 Yellow (Families Welcome)
Caritas 'Project Compassion' fundraising
Well done, St Pat's students! Over the last few months, through our Easter Raffle and Icy pole Friday sales, we have managed to raise $520 for Caritas. Thankyou to our Mini Vinnies members and Social Justice leaders who have lead these initiatives.

Writing at St Pat's
At St Pat's, we teach a range of writing strategies using resources from 'The Writing Revolution' (TWR). TWR instruction starts at sentence level, moving through to multiple paragraph level, while developing skills that emphasise quality over quantity of writing. As a new way of assessing student's writing, we have introduced a program called 'Brightpath'. This writing assessment platform enables teachers to see where each student is at in their writing progress and set learning goals targeting specific areas of need. Students in 3/4 enjoyed practising their typing skills as they entered their narratives into the 'Brightpath' program.

Mel Ferris
Calling all Parents, Carers, Grandparents/Relatives!!
If you can spare any time at all to help in our canteen on any upcoming Monday, please contact our Canteen Manager Nicole Collins on
Volunteers are needed for next Monday 17th June.
Thank you for your consideration.
Children can join a Drawing Democracy workshop at NSW Parliament House on 17 July (school holidays). All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Join us for a children’s hands-on workshop, led by illustrator and children’s book author David Conley in the beautiful Jubilee Room at the Parliament of NSW.
Bookings via Eventbrite. Please see attached flyer for details or visit our website: