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Dear Parents and Carers
At St Patrick's we are dedicated to achieving our Catholic Education Canberra and Goulburn system bold goals.
To achieve Bold Goal 1, 'Every child a competent reader,' we implement the following programs in our 2 hour daily English block
* InitiaLit program in our Kinder - Year 2 classrooms
* MiniLit and MacqLit small group intervention programs when needed
* Reading Mastery in Year 3- Year 6
* Spelling Mastery in Year 3- Year 6
* The Writing Revolution program in K-6
Students are placed in their English and Maths classes according to their learning data. Your child may tell you that they have 3 teachers each day as they have their class teacher, their English teacher and their Maths teacher. For some students they are with their class teacher for everything.
During the first full week of school all programs have started with students demonstrating great energy and enthusiasm.
The answer to 'Does my child have homework?' is 'YES!'
Every student is to read every night.
As we continue with our Mathematics assessments and teaching we will also be adding a new element soon.
Every student is to practice basic facts every night.
You will be getting more information soon about the number facts your child needs to practice eg times tables or 'friends of 10'.
We are really looking forward to our swimming carnival on Monday!
Every Minute Counts
To reach the bold goals in our Annual Improvement Plan we ensure that learning is the focus all day, every day. Here is the evidence that our St Pat’s Kids have a love for learning.
NAPLAN dates are fast approaching. NAPLAN will be held from Wednesday 13 March to Monday 25 March 2024. Follow this link for parent information:
Over the next week we will touch base with parents of students on Personalised Plans to discuss adjustments and exemptions.
Emma Grant
Future Dates for the Calendar
- Ash Wednesday- whole school Mass 12:35pm
- Week Three Chapel Mass, Friday 9:15am- 3/4 Yellow. Families Welcome
- Sacraments information night (See below)
Religious Education in the Classroom
In 1/2 classes, students have been learning about the Golden Rule. They created artwork and sentences, demonstrating their understanding of how to treat people how we would like to be treated ourselves.
Christian Meditation
On Tuesday and Wednesday this week, we welcomed Helen Bramanathan from CE in Canberra to come and spend some time in each class teaching students about Christian Meditation as a form of prayer. Helen was impressed with all of our St Pat's Kids and their participation.
Mel Ferris
Come and build some awesome projects with Two Sheds Workshop, Bega
Workshops for kids 7yrs+, no experience needed. Weekly Afterschool classes
booking now including a late start Wednesday at 4.00 pm. Classes start Tuesday 13th February.
Check out the range here: