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Dear Parents and Carers,
We are thrilled to see the positive behaviours for learning and mathematical skill development as we continue our journey of full implementation of Connecting Maths Concepts at St Pat's. We are noticing that through CMC, and the patterns and repetitions in the program, our students are developing greater fluency with their number facts.
You may recall previous communications about the CMC program we use at St Pat's. It is an explicit and direct instruction program. In each lesson there is a daily review of prior learning, and then both opportunities for consolidating concept learning through guided practice, as well as introducing new concepts. New concepts are introduced gradually, and the program teaches students to make the connections between mathematical concepts.
'This Direct Instruction based program makes it easier than ever to develop students’ problem-solving capabilities and their ability to think and communicate mathematically. Using a proven pedagogical approach, Connecting Math Concepts helps learners achieve mastery of basic skills, whilst developing sophisticated problem-solving strategies.'
NAPLAN Very soon the 2023 NAPLAN results will be made available to schools and parents. Whilst what NAPLAN assesses has not changed, this year the grading scale for NAPLAN has changed. The 10 point band scale has been replaced with a four point proficiency scale. There can be no growth data comparison made between this test and previous years tests due to these changes.
Please click herefor parent intormation abotou 2023 NAPLAN For_Parents_ACARA_Proficiency_Standards_Comms.PDF
This week, we have been celebrating student achievement in Reading and Mathematics. While students continue to demonstrate their skills in the classroom during their explicit lessons, teachers are busy completing assessment tasks to provide feedback on student progress. It has been very pleasing to see so many St Pat’s kids making excellent leaps in their learning. See below some photos of just some of our gold and silver progress awards.
Each week during math's time, students are given opportunities for hands on learning experiences. This consolidates what is being learned during our CMC math's program. Today in the senior classes, students were problem solving with money, measurement, and fractions.
Lunchtime clubs continue to offer opportunities for students to have a break from the busy playground and spend some time exploring new games. This week, I spent time teaching a group of students how to play marbles. It was lots of fun and is just one of the many activities available in our clubs.
Religious Education - Curriculum
In the schools and colleges of the Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn, teaching people religion and teaching people to be religious draws upon the Catholic tradition in ways that are mindful of local contexts and the multi-faith realities of contemporary culture. School communities seek to understand and utilise, the distinctiveness and complementary nature of these two dimensions of Religious Education, in the holistic education and the formation of learners. The experiences for the learning and teaching of Religion and the Religious Life of the School are responsive to religious diversity, while being faithful to the Catholic identity of the school.
The scope of education has broadened and become increasingly complex. Rapid and constant social change requires the development of renewed educational frameworks and approaches and the building of new capacities to meet the demands of the present and the future. Educational discourse is increasingly richer and focuses on the learner and on learners being agents in constructing of meaning; on learning to learn, think and collaborate; on pedagogy and individualised learning; and on technologies for learning. Educators are constantly challenged to respond to the realities they face in the light of their evangelising mission to live and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Schools are called to be relevant; to read the signs of the times by integrating faith, life and culture, with a quest to be counter-cultural. Therefore, Religious Education in the Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn builds on best practice of the broader educational community, embedding the Catholic perspective into all areas of learning. The classroom learning and teaching of Religion reflect the philosophy, content, structure, academic rigour, assessment and reporting modes used in other learning areas. The Religious Life of the School empowers learners to maintain Christian integrity when confronted with the complexities of life in contemporary society.
1/2 have been exploring God's creation through scripture and through experience. This term they went on an excursion to Glebe park to celebrate God’s creation.
Chapel Mass
As part of the Religious Life of the school every class attends chapel mass throughout the term. Here are the upcoming classes. Parents are welcome to attend chapel mass at 9:15am in the church.
Week 9- 1/2G
Week 10- Kinder
Supporting Students - Tiered Literacy & Numeracy Intervention
At St Patrick's we used a multi-tiered system. A multi-tiered system of supports is a tiered model of instruction that includes:
- a school-wide, multi-level system of instruction
- high-quality classroom instruction
- universal student screening
- evidence-based interventions provided on a sliding scale of intensity
- continuous, data-based progress monitoring.
High quality, evidence-based Tier 1 instruction is the foundation of MTSS. Tier 1 refers to the instruction that the whole class receives.
In an MTSS model, all students are screened to determine their capability in reading, spelling, writing and mathematics. The resulting data is used to inform whether students require intervention and for those that do, to tailor the intervention offered.
Tier 2 intervention involves intensifying support for students with knowledge or skill gaps that prevent them from responding to quality Tier 1 instruction. This involves the use of evidence-based instructional practices and empirically validated interventions in a small group setting. At St Patrick's this includes MinLit Sage, MacqLit, CMC and Reading Mastery small group intervention.
Students who do not respond to Tier 2 intervention will require Tier 3 intervention, which intensifies support further by increasing frequency or lowering the ratio of students to staff in small-group instruction (1:1 instruction also being an option).
Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions are delivered by a staff member trained in an evidence-based reading, writing or mathematics intervention. Interventions are time‑limited and have clear goals and entry and exit criteria that indicate when students will no longer need support in the specific skill or knowledge targeted.
Thank you for your patience and understanding while through the transition to the new Catholic Education, Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn (CECG) finance system.
As communicated last week a statement will be sent out shortly that will contain an updated BPAY Biller Code/CRN and that BPAY is now the preferred payment method. Please check your emails over the coming days for the new look statement.
Thank you for supporting the school with these system changes and should you have any concerns please feel free to contact the school on 6492 5500 or
The lost property trolley is overflowing with uniforms! Here is a list of what we have on it this morning:
Size 6 Polo Fleece Jumper x3
Size 10 Polo Fleece Jumper x 3
Size 14 Polo Fleece Jumper
Size 8 Polo Fleece jumper x 2
Size 8 Winter Jacket
Size 10 Spray Jacket
Size 14 Spray Jacket
The lost property trolley is located at the front office just to the right hand side of the door. If you have a chance, come and have a look if your child is missing a jumper or jacket. All unclaimed uniform will go to the second hand store at the end of term.